Join the 21-Day

Living In A Nourished Body Experience!

We’re starting on Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Imagine this…

You feel at ease in your body.

You feel comfortable and at home in your own skin

You’re not at war  with the mirror, your size, or your food

You know what nourishes you and you respond and respect your body.

Now that’s Living in a Nourished Body!

It just feels plain old good!

Now imagine that all of this is possible:..

  • without going on a diet
  • without restriction
  • without feeling bad about what you just ate
  • Without committing yourself to yet another new year’s resolution that doesn’t last.

I know. it sounds improbable because as women, we’re taught that the only way to feel good in our body is to “get it under control.”

But we’re missing the mark with this “willpower” and “control” approach. The reality is that most women who struggle with food and body issues are caught in a diet cycle that starts off with high hopes of finally feeling good about your body followed by the let down of – yet again – not being able to sustain the restrictive regimen, and giving up.

This cycle is exhausting and doesn’t  give you what you  want in the long-term:


So what if you shift your approach?

What if you step out of the diet-cycle and instead….


Here’s what it looks like…

Exploring the Nourishment Dynamic is pleasurable!

it’s a journey into re-connecting with your own body’s wisdom.

Working with this Nourishment model is the key to:

  • BODY-EASE – that’s the feeling of truly feeling good in your own skin. Body-ease means that you’re energy isn’t always tied up in self-criticism and food vigilance.
  • BODY-TRUST® –  is listening to your body and honoring the wisdom that comes from within. It’s knowing that your body is always speaking to you and knowing that it’s worth slowing down to listen!
  • BODY-PEACE – is when you lay down the fight with your weight and food.
  • FOOD-BODY-KNOWING – that’s when you really know what foods support and nourish your body. It’s when you know how much or how little food makes you feel good. And more often than not (no-one is perfect) you listen to your food-body knowing.


Living In A Body That Feels Good!

It’s living from a place of:

  • sensuality and pleasure
  • knowing what works for your body and what doesn’t
  • inner-confidence
  • honoring your own wisdom and needs
  • enjoying life (not living in restriction and deprivation)

Sadly, so many women haven’t figured out how to live in a nourished body. And I totally know why!

We are CONSTANTLY having our bodies policed: “Eat this! Don’t eat that! You’re body needs to be smaller, harder, softer, curvier, straighter.” We can’t get it right and in the process we lose connection with what truly nourishes us.

21 DAYS OF LIVING IN A NOURISHED BODY is an experience of deep connecting with your body, so that you finally feel at ease and at home in your body.

Before I show you how 21 DAYS OF LIVING IN A NOURISHED BODY works, allow me to introduce myself.

In case you haven’t met me, I’m Nina Manolson, M.A. NBC-HWC

I’m a Board Certified Wellness Coach and Psychology of Eating Coach and my passion is helping women feel at ease and at home in their body.

I’ve been helping women have a positive and healthy relationship with their bodies for 25 years.

What I know from working with women and their relationship to their bodies for decades, is that we are way to harsh with ourselves. We say things to our body that we would never ever say to a friend.  We need to learn how to treat oursevles well and often we do that best in the company of women.

Over the last few years I’ve been guiding more and more groups of women along this path of Body Trust and Deep Nourishment. I’ve noticed that when we connect with other women on the path, we thrive!

I hope you’ll join us and create a relationship with your food and body that feels truly good. If you have any questions at all about joining LIVING IN A NOURISHED BODY, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me at or on the chat button on this page.

And just so you can get a sense of my style, I’m very real, practical and compassionate. This Living in a Nourished Body  is exactly that – very practical and very nourishing. I hope you’ll join me!

“I highly recommend Nina Manolson to any woman

who is looking to feel healthier, stronger, happier,

and more confident in her relationship to food and her own body.”

Nina’s knowledgeable, insightful, and deeply kind approach has been instrumental in helping me make healthier, more nourishing choices in my eating and overall self-care.

Nina doesn’t offer quick-fixes, rather she stays connected with her clients over time and guides them with wisdom and compassion.

I highly recommend Nina Manolson to any woman who is looking to feel healthier, stronger, happier, and more confident in her relationship to food and her own body.

Carla Naumburg, PhD


We’ll start by getting clear about where you are currently in your relationship with your body, and then dive deeply into how to make that a body-relationship that feels truly good from the inside out.
Here’s What You WILL Experience:
1. A way out of the good-food/bad-food cycle that always leads to thoughts like “I shouldn’t have eaten that” or “I’ve been bad” or “I’ll start over tomorrow.”
2. A path to deeply respecting, trusting, and responding to your body instead of relentlessly trying to control and manage it.
3. An honest, here-and-now, real relationship with your body—and freedom from the energy-draining wish to return to the body you once had or achieve your ideal body of the future.

4. You as the expert! As women, we have been told for WAY too long how we should or shouldn’t be or what we should or shouldn’t do.

I trust that you are the most powerful change agent in your journey to feeling at home and at ease in your body. I will bring all my experience and expertise to our work together, but it’s you, your desires, and your knowing that we will access to do the work.

5. Respect for what you already know and the amazing strengths you already possess. Most of the women I work with could write their own books on nutrition and personal growth. They are smart, savvy, and self-reflective women.

I know you already know a lot about what would make you feel better, but stepping into that knowledge and living a life infused with self-care likely feels challenging for you.

And here’s what WON’T happen during LIVING IN A NOURISHED BODY

  1. You won’t be judged. Not on your size, not on your food choices, nor your activity level. I spent decades judging my body and my eating and feeling ashamed of every pound and every morsel. It was exhausting and demoralizing and it didn’t help at all. It didn’t move me closer to living in a body I loved. Nor did it move me toward food choices that made me feel strong and vibrant. I have found that building a relationship with your body based on compassion, kindness, awareness and acceptance is a far more powerful and effective way to create the deep inner shifts needed for lasting change. When we heal our body shame, we are firmly on the path to feeling at ease in our own skin. I also imagine you’ve done enough self-judging and you absolutely don’t need any more of that!
  1. You won’t be put on a diet. Diets don’t work. There is solid research showing that 95 percent of dieters gain their weight back (or more) within five years. I won’t prescribe a restrictive way of eating, and I won’t collude with our societal approach that there’s a “right” way of eating. I believe that with support, you can find foods you love that work well for your body.
  1. You won’t be inundated with more food facts. By now, it’s likely you’ve heard so many nutritional factoids that you’re completely confused about what to eat. We will toss out the good and bad food lists, instead listening to what your body is saying it needs and wants. This idea may seem daunting (“Eeek, all my body wants is cookies!”), but with support, you can come to a place where your body will loudly and clearly ask for a variety of foods that both delight and nourish you.
  1. You won’t be asked to step on a scale, count calories, keep a food journal, or track your steps. Initially, all this data collection can feel like a powerful tool in your journey to feeling vibrant and connected to your body. However, such measuring often escalates our feelings of failure and not-enoughness. My intention is to help you develop a deep inner experience of enoughness that doesn’t rely on external sources.
  1. You won’t fail at this. There’s no way to fail with this work. We’re going for the process, not perfection. We’re going for sustainable inner shifts, not quick external fixes. This isn’t a program that sits on a shelf or a diet you’ll eventually give up on. This is about you creating a caring, communicative connection with your body that will lead to greater inner-freedom, peace and ease.

Here’s What I CAN NOT promise

  • I can’t promise (and nor do I want to promise) that you’ll lose 21 lbs in 21 days. You and I both know that this kind of weight loss doesn’t stick. 95% of women who go on diets gain their weight back (and more) within 5 years.
  • I can’t promise that all your decades-old food and body issues will disappear in 21 days. But I do know that we can start you on a journey that will create a sustainable and positive shift in how you care for yourself.

I have experienced a profound paradigmatic shift in my thinking about food, health and nourishment.”

In the few weeks I've been a part of this program I have experienced a profound paradigmatic shift in my thinking about food, health and nourishment - a word that I hadn't really considered until now.  

Nina's trenchant but gently communicated observations, her depth of knowledge about all the ways we can nourish ourselves, the materials she shared and the community of women who participated all have contributed to this exceptional - and exceptionally different - approach to how we live with and make food choices each day and that has so positively imprinted on me.  

I've discovered I'm much less hesitant about my food choices, as well as when and how much I eat.  These choices have started to become quite natural, not freighted with the "should/shouldn'ts", the "good/bads" and consequently I find I really feel great.

Mary-Anne Morrison

So how does the 21 Day Living in a Nourished Body Experience work?

First we’ll get real about how change really happens – not quick fix change – but the real deal sustainable change that gives us a deep shift towards caring for ourselves better. We’re also going to define what true success is, and again…it’s not the same for everyone.

We’ll jump right into nourishing practices that support you and work in your busy, full life.

Next we’ll dive into the relationship between YOU and YOUR BODY! We’re going to get crystal clear about what keeps you from having a great relationship as well as grow your body-relationship skills, so that you start treating her with the care and deep respect she deserves.

And throughout…we’re going to be incorporating nourishing practices and gentle nutrition (the same kind of eating doesn’t work for everyone – we’ll be exploring your own, just-right approach to eating). I’ve also got some juicy bonuses that will deepen your experience and support a connected and joyful relationship with your body.

You’ll be glad to hear, this isn’t a huge time commitment. I’ve got it structured to really work, even in a hectic schedule!  I’ve got that kind of a busy life, so I know what you need!

If you have specific questions or are wondering if this is the right program for you, check out the Q & A section below, but if you don’t see the answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to contact me at I want to make sure this is your perfect next healthy step.

Call Dates and Times

  • Class #1: Thursday, October 4th noon EST
  • Class #2: Monday, October 8th noon EST
  • Healthy Full Fridge: Saturday October 13th 2-4pm EST
  • Class #3: Monday October 15th noon EST
  • Class #4: Monday October 22nd noon EST
  • Q & A: Friday October 26th noon EST

Can’t make the live calls? No worries, all our calls will be recorded.

Questions & Answers

Q. Will I be on a food plan during Living In A Nourished Body?

A. There is no one “right” way of eating. Recognizing what foods make your body hum with ease and pleasure paves the way for stepping away from food rules (what you should and shouldn’t eat) and step into food harmony. Part of your Living in a Nourished Body journey is listening to which foods enliven and energize you and keep you feeling connected to yourself and, which foods don’t.

The Living in a Nourished Body experience does include recipes and an opportunity to get into the kitchen and make easy and delicious food. I want to support you in making time and space to nourish yourself well. However this is not an “eat this” and “don’t eat that” type of program. I want to help you listen to your own knowing instead of trying to live by “the rules.”

Q: I want to lose weight. Will I lose weight in this program?
A. I want more for you than weight loss. The desire for weight loss is a desire for feeling at ease and good in your body. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight and certainly we all want to feel good in our body. However if we only focus on our weight and weight loss, we are limiting our experience of body peace to a very small window of acceptability and usually relegating ourselves to an experiences of restriction. My work is weight inclusive. This means success is not determined by the number on the scale. I am not for weight loss or against weight loss. Some women may lose weight during the Living in a Nourished Body experience and some may not. I am neutral about your weight. I am however, passionate about you feeling at home in your own body.
Q. I’m really busy. How much time will Living In A Nourished Body Take?
A. I recommend taking a minimum of 15 minutes a day to focus on the curriculum of the program in addition to attending the classes (or listening to the recordings). This isn’t the type of program that will help you if you don’t engage with it. There is a lot of support and plenty of resources are available for you to delve into, at whichever level that works for you.
Q. I’m afraid to commit to another program. Even though I want to feel better about my body, I’m concerned I’ll give up and fail again? Can I get accountability support?

A. First of all, this isn’t the type of program that you can fail in. Living in a Nourished Body is a process, it’s not a perfect, finished product. You’ll be on the path of learning to care for yourself with more kindness and respect for what you and your body really needs.

Second of all, if you do want more support, accountability, and personalized attention – I recommend investing in Living In A Nourished Body PLUS Private Guidance. What that means is that in addition to the 21 days of curriculum and support, you’ll also have individual coaching sessions with me (Nina). We’ll meet via video conferencing for 30 minutes each week of the program. This is a time that we can dive more fully into the issues and challenges that you are encountering in this process of learning how to deeply nourish yourself.

Q. I noticed that Living In A Nourished Body is only for women over 40. I’m 39, can I join?
A. I tend to work with women between the ages of 40 and 80. I believe there are specific issues that women face as they age and I LOVE working with women as their bodies are aging and changing. I also love working with women over 40 because we tend to be ready to turn the focus on ourselves in a meaningful and practical way. If you’re in your 30’s and you feel that you resonate with the issues that are outlined on this page and are interested in the Living in a Nourished Body program, then please reach out to me and we can make sure it’s a just-right fit for you.
Q. I’m in England, Canada, Australia, West Coast of the US, Israel, India etc...can I participate in Living in a Nourished Body?
A. YES! The really wonderful thing about meeting over video conferencing is that we can create a wonderful community of women from all over the world!

Here’s what you get with the

21 Day Living In A Nourished Body experience:

  • 4 Live Calls with Nina
    We’ll be meeting on video so that you can see me and I can see you (if you want!). Each week of the program you’ll have a live call with me. I’ll guide you through the experience without any overwhelm. I will show you exactly how to take self-care out of the abstract, and make it concrete. We will be covering 3 critical areas in each call – the PHYSICAL (your nutrition), What you Do (your lifestyle), and What you THINK (your mindset). I totally get your busy life, and have created strategies that are simple and yet oh so effective in helping you step front and center into your life. (Value $750)
  • Daily Nourishing Emails
    These daily inspirational emails walk you each step of the way with fun and ease. They contain the perfect amount of guidance to keep you on track without overwhelming you or taking too much time. This program is not just about food, but I know you are looking for clarity around what to eat in order to best fuel your body and boost your energy and metabolism. You’ll not only receive guidance about what to eat, but I will share delicious recipes and a done-for-you shopping list that makes it easy for you to get food on your table. Having a healthy shopping list and recipes at your fingertips takes the guess work and mystery out of eating healthy. You’ll see that healthy eating can go hand in hand with a busy life. (Value $140)
  • Members-Only Online Forum
    On the online forum, you will be able to connect with a community of women who want the same thing as you do. You will be able to share ideas, ask for support, and get inspired by this amazing community! Nina will moderate this forum so you’ll get coaching whenever you need it. (Value $100)
  • MP3 Recordings of Each Live Call
    If you cannot make a live call or need to cut out early, no worries! You will have exclusive access to the live recordings, so you can listen or review them at any time on your iPod, iPhone, MP3 player, or computer, making it super convenient for you. (If you are like me, you like to listen to audio trainings while on a walk, in the car, or at the gym!) You will be able to access recordings from a members-only online library. (Value $100)


Because I am committed to giving you amazing value and everything you need to feel truly good from the inside out, I’m also including the following valuable bonuses:


An individual 15 min focused coaching session with Nina during the 21 days of Living in a Nourished Body.

Dive deeper during this time that’s just for YOU!

(Value $75)


Easy Healthy Full Fridge Workshop!

An evening workshop in YOUR kitchen! We’ll fill your fridge with delicious easy to make food. You’ll get super easy recipes that make nourishing yourself fast, easy and delicious.

(Value $129)


Body Current Movement Class

Attend Nina’s unique movement class from the comfort of your own home via video. This class is designed specifically to build body-awareness and connection with your body. It’s appropriate for women of all fitness levels.

(Value $25)


Questions and Coaching Call

This is an opportunity for everyone to get together and ask their questions and get coaching. It’s a POWERFUL session! Whether you come loaded with questions or just want to listen to everyone else, you’ll come away feeling deeply enriched.

(Value $97)


4 Guided MP3’s
You’ll receive 4 guided experiences that will nurture and support you on your deeply nourishing journey

1. Mindful eating guided experience
2. Loving Kindness meditation
3. Breath and Relax experience
4. Food and Body Love meditation
(Value $37)

Sounds great, what’s the investment?

I did the math, and all the done-for-you materials, personal support and bonuses you’ll get are worth over $1000! But I’m not going to charge you that. I want you to be able to walk into the 21 Day Living in a Nourished Body with ease.

Living in a Nourished Body


 Join Now

Living in a Nourished Body + PRIVATE GUIDANCE


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Living in a Nourished Body

2 payments of $195.

 Join Now

Living in a Nourished Body + PRIVATE GUIDANCE

2 payments of $445.

 Join Now

This Program is backed by my Rock-Solid Guarantee

Bottom line? I stand behind my work…always. And I am confident that when you join me, you are going to be beyond thrilled with what you learn. Enroll in the 21 Day Living in a Nourished Body. Listen to the first call. If you are not completely blown away by the level of content then simply send me a one-line email within 24 hours of the live call telling me what didn’t work and asking for your money back and I’ll give you a FULL refund. That’s 100%, right out of my own pocket, to you. You have my word on it!

“I have so much hope for the future as I move into a space of Body Love.”

Before the Living in a Nourished Body program I was fighting with my body all the time.

Coming off the holiday binge-cycle, my self-talk was extremely negative and included things like "You are an addict. You have a problem. You need to get this under control." I was tired and heavy and achy and mildly depressed a lot of the time.

Through Living in a Nourished Body I quickly changed the things I was saying to myself and learned how to show myself the kind of love and compassion I would a dear friend or family member.

I learned how powerful it is to tune in and have a conversation with this body that has been through so much, and deserves to be loved and supported and cared for in the most nourishing ways.

I have so much hope for the future as I move into a space of Body Love. For the first time in 28 years, not being on a diet/program/plan is the most freeing and life-giving experience I could ever dream!

Rebecca Thompson

Please, don’t let this opportunity walk on by and leave you in your familiar routines that aren’t getting you the results you want. Jump into feeling deeply nourished now! When you are feeling deeply nourished and nurtured, everything in life is better!

PS. Are you still wondering if Living In A Nourished Body is for you?

Here’s how you know it’s time to focus on your relationship with your food and body:

  • When being in your body doesn’t feel like a comfortable, joyful place to be.
  • When you find yourself saying “I just want to eat like a normal person” or “I just want to be in control” or “I just want to lose weight so my life will be better.”
  • When eating isn’t pleasurable. When it feels like wandering through a field of landmines, like something is going to explode at any moment—maybe shame, maybe a binge, maybe restriction, maybe self-criticism.
  • When your only two modes of existence are either on the diet/program/plan or falling off the wagon.
  • When nourishing and caring for yourself feels like a chore or another to-do on your list.
  • When you just want to feel good and at home in your own skin.

And, because I know what it’s like to be a busy woman – life always gets in the way of what you intend to do for yourself – I want to encourage you to register right now for the 21 day Living in a Nourished Body.

I look forward to guiding you to your most vibrant, energetic, sensual, nurtured, balanced, and deeply nourished you!

PPS. Sharing this nourishing journey with friends is always easier and more fun. Imagine having your BFF, sister, mother, neighbor – along for the ride. You don’t want to be deeply nourished all by yourself! This challenge is easy enough for everyone. Don’t keep this as your secret, spread the health and invite your friends.